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May 2019 Roebucks hunts finished

This hunting season looks better than last. Its mean trophies have better quality. They are more heavy and more strong.
Weather was not so good in May and additional vegatation started earlier but however congratulation all our groups very good results and very nice trophies.On start of season was very cold and raining but hunts was contunue and were finished good results. We have met with many of you, but unfortunately you all have finish almost in the same time so it was difficult to be in everywhere at the same time
We would like to tell you all - thank you for safe hunting and congratulation again good result.

Some of you already booked hunts for next May 2020 already so you are welcome all our old and new group for next season
Now it is very short time before rutting time - hard work before us. We have yet a few very good areas so if you would like to come, you are welcome !!!  

May 2019 Roebucks hunts finished

Our Hunting Office

"OSTOJA" Hunting Office Tel: +48 505084079, Tel: +48 507924005, Fax: +48 618436345, biuro@ostoja-hunting.pl
